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Join Localgiving, your first year is free!

As a member of the FSI you can join Localgiving for free, usually £96. Check out our eligibility criteria

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West Rhyl Young People's Project


Localgiving has broadened our vision and helped us to adapt to the changing environment in the charity field. It has taught us how technology is important to advance and provided us with a more strategical approach towards fundraising

Prior to joining, we had not attempted online fundraising, and any donations received were ad hoc and always came as a surprise


Localgiving supports local charities and community groups by giving them the skills and confidence they need to fundraise online.

If your group meets our eligibility criteria we can help you

Charitable objectives

You have charitable aims that are not solely for the advancement of religion

Community focus

You operate on local / regional community initiatives and are not a national or international charity


You have a local / regional management committee and a UK bank account

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